Teaching Institute
for Manual Lymph Drainage,
Complete Physical Therapy

Impressions from Hinterzarten: The international MLD /CDT Certification Class

A multicultural group of therapists from India, Iran, Japan, Northern Ireland, Serbia, UAE and Spain came together to join the international (English-speaking) 4-week Földi MLD/CDT certification course at the Földi Clinic in Hinterzarten / Germany in the period of may, 2 – may, 27, 2016.


Apart from detailed theoretical untis, the participants performed intensive practical exercises (hands-on-work) in manual lymphdrainage and decongestive physiotherapy.


They had a close look inside the Clinic´s daily routine work and and took a lot of inspirations related to the realisation of MLD / CDT therapy in their home countries. The range of issues reached from evaluation/assessment, to treatment up to garment measuring and patient management. The therapeutical tasks which the participants had to perform day by day created a wonderful team spirit. Interesting patients and the pleasant working atmosphere in the Földi Clinic were first class. The location of the Földi Clinic  in the lovely surroundings oft he Black Forest area close to the border triangle Germany, Switzerland and France invited to enjoy a variety of  touristic attractions.



All in all a really successful event. The next international MLD/CDT Certification Class in the Földi Clinic, Hinterzarten, is going to start in march 2017. The dates for the upcoming course in 2017 can be found here